For The

The beauty of our planet is beyond question. Writing prayers of love and appreciation for The Earth and the perfection of nature is not only easy, it is a pleasure.

I See Only Gardens

I see only gardens
Gardens coated liberally in cement
Gardens where great woods
Once gave onto glades and tiny
Lodgings for fairies and elementals
Peaseblossum, Mustardseed, Moth and Cobweb

I see only gardens
Surrendering onto dismal streets
Filthy fracking, burgeoning business, cash
Machines with proven performance
All considered by mortal beings
To be more significant than life itself

And yet there are orchards
Fields and meadows that offer hope
Like this most unexpected place
Right here and now
A space that gives onto a garden of inspiration

For this is a landscape of ideas and ideals
With diversity in faith, colour, creed and caste
And each plant and flower distinct and perfect
Each spirit varying in shape and size
Each life a legend told by a believer
Sacred stories and sweet thoughts
That give delight and hurt not

I see only gardens
And this most magic plot tells me
There is harmony in difference
And difference in harmony

This garden around us is nourished
By wisdom and compassion
And the path through the garden
Takes me past shrubs and blooms
Of infinite variety, beauty and colour
And all lead… ultimately… to love
And so we are blessed

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