
When we thank someone, something happens. The receiver gets the gift of thanks, but the giver is also changed by the act of thanking. How many times have I heard a parent saying to a child “What do you say?” and the kid grumpily replies “thank you” with utter umbrage. If only they knew… something a bit magical happens when we speak words of gratitude… something lovely and inexplicable.

Thanks But No Thanks

It’s time to say
For all you did
‘Thank you’
All the thoughts
Kindness and love
The generosity
‘Thank you’

But let’s say
‘No thanks’
For turning up your toes
Kicking the bucket
Fading away
Going West
Popping off to meet you maker
Or even
Dropping off the perch
No, we didn’t want that

Of course
You would be the first to say
‘Get over it!’
And we must respect that
So it’s time to wipe away
That tickling tear
And remember you
As you were
And admit we miss you
And we can thank goodness
For you
And for everything
That was you
On this
Your special day

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