Right now, there are more than 30 wars raging across the world. If only the energy put into killing each other, manufacturing arms and being confrontational was put into caring for the planet and caring for each other, life would be so much happier… for so many of us.
The Four Points Peace Prayer
We pray to the four corners of the earth… For peace
And looking North we pray for stillness
The supremacy of snow
And its quiet music hurling
Delicate flakes on bitter winds
Winter is peace
Winter is a white feathered kiss
On sleeping trees and fallen leaves.
We pray to the East
And hear the music of great oceans
Waves rolling between continents
Seething, roaring and foaming.
When turmoil passes
There is tranquillity
At dawn we marvel at the still
waters of the moon
Treasuring serenity
To the West we pray
For the warmth of the sun
Red, gold, orange and purple
Sunsets that break the heart
And lift the soul.
The West gives us peace at dusk
The hour of closure and calm.
When we turn to the South
We recall relentless heat
The eerie stillness of great deserts
Stretching across the earth
Paths trodden by prophets
And wandering travellers
Holy journeys full of silence
Sand and contemplation
Peace… for mile on mile
At every corner of the world
Wherever we may be
We meet peace
And welcome it…
For peace is the only winner
In times of conflict.
In every part of yourself
You can discover peace
For gentle compassion exists
Within you
Around you
And beyond you
And so… today
We are all companions in peace
We share peace together
We know peace together
And we are peace together
Thank you