
The very best sentiment to go for has to be compassion, for ourselves, for others, for everyone. Maybe it’s the one ambition we should always hold in our hearts. It’s not easy to be compassionate all the time, but it has to be the highest goal in life. A world full of compassion would be free of war, poverty and environmental degradation… how beautiful.

The Circle of Compassion

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.” Albert Einstein

There is a beauty about sharing
Ideas, wealth, kindness, laughter,
And in this catalogue of things shared
Let’s honour compassion:

Compassion is real,
Mysterious and natural
It moves gently…
Like waves across a pond
Freeing us as we skim the water
Releasing us as we breathe
Allowing hearts to beat in harmony
Our eyes to witness nature

Compassion makes us feel close
To the smallest creature
Or the greatest natural wonder
Compassion is about you
And me and all of us
Those we love and those we do not love

Compassion is honourable
Compassion is kind
Compassion is friendly
Compassion picks us up
And places us on the moral high ground
So we may look over the edge
And see ourselves
And others with clarity and kindness

It gives us everything that is needed
When help is needed
It serves the young, the old, the weak
The very familiar, the total stranger
It serves humans, animals, plant and planet
And it reminds us
That all things are equal

You and I
Are companions in compassion
We may meet and we may never meet
But we both know what compassion feels like
We both know what it’s like to receive compassion
And what it’s like to give compassion
And we both know when it’s needed
And today… right now… it is needed

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