
There are so many people that deserve prayer – friends, workers, heroines, heroes and more. In a world where human negativity is too often highlighted, it is great to know that most people are not only good, but deserve thanks for being who they are, and what they do.

Prayer for the Postie

Let us honour
In prayer
The honour of work
Important jobs
That demand
Bring pleasure

A thousand emotions contained
In a million envelopes
A universe of ideas
Beyond the mind of man

Let us honour
The Postie
Once esteemed
Once smartly uniformed
Pillar of the community
Now strangely invisible
Yet even today
Hero and heroine
Striding out in wartime 
Freezing winters
Sweltering summers
And pandemics

For over 200 years
The Postie brought 
Papers, cheques, passports, 
Visas, love letters,
Cards for birthdays
Letters of sadness
Letters of gladness
Written on paper of every hue,
The pink, the violet, the white and the blue
Nasty news alongside nice postcards
Silly views alongside perceptive poetry

Let us honour in prayer
The Postie
Knocking at the door
Ringing the bell
Descending slippery steps
Dodging dubious dogs
Negotiating snapping letter boxes

Two hundred years of tradition
Needing strength, patience,
Kindness, strong limbs…
Which is why
We bless the Postie
Post Woman and Post Man
For all they gave us yesterday
Today and tomorrow
A job well done
Thank you

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