
When we thank someone, something happens. The receiver gets the gift of thanks, but the giver is also changed by the act of thanking. How many times have I heard a parent saying to a child “What do you say?” and the kid grumpily replies “thank you” with utter umbrage. If only they knew… something a bit magical happens when we speak words of gratitude… something lovely and inexplicable.

The Strange Thankyou Prayer

Do we need to offer thanks?
Maybe we do
And maybe we don’t
It all depends on you

I do thanks and reckon…
When one give thanks
Something strange happens
One thanks truthfully
And the physical body
Of the thanker changes
Likewise the mind
In that moment of thanking

And it goes on… and on
On and on…
The spirit changes too
And the person one thanks
If complete and honest
Will change
Because of the grace
Of open-hearted appreciation

But when one thanks the unknown
The unknown and unseen
The mysterious angels
And their pals
Choose to remain a mystery
A perfect, elusive mystery
And being a mystery
That as you offered thanks
It might just be
That someone, somewhere
And smiled

Which is why I say
And thanks again

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