
There is so much anger around now. I feel it myself and for all those around me — I feel such empathy for the frustration of millions in this country. It was while looking for prayers that might deal with anger, I realised that prayers are not written by people who feel anger… but lots of sanctimonious people like to tell us what to do with our anger. So, I created this website, with a section called Prayers of Anger.

Let Anger Meet Peace

Hear my words
When anger prevails
Let it triumph
Then discover the pleasure
Of diminishing frenzy

Know my soul
When fury unfurls
Let it come and go
Like the sea… like a fever
Raging and then fading

That anger
That shouting screaming
Red rage in my heart and head
And in the bodies of others
Can change, must change
Like all things
Change and change again
Red one day, orange
And then gold and green another

Carry me somewhere safe
Then ebb away
Like the tide

And I ask
If it returns
May it be useful…
Bring clarity
A gentle change
Once rampant
Once arriving
Then departing
Dissolving gently
Into the radiant waters of life
Turning from crimson
To the azure of peace
So I may come to know peace
And rest in the deep blue
Of calm
Love without end

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