for a
Is there anything as uplifting as a good laugh shared with others? A moment of happy laughter is a moment of true joy, so let’s accept the spiritual beauty of laughter. Laughter and smiling are definitely good for us.
Prayer to Lift the Spirits
Let’s think of something to make us beam
I don’t mean kittens on Facebook
Or awkward tumbles
I mean something glorious
Like sunshine
Smiling at you
As you fling your arms wide
In a favourite place
Let’s think of something
To make us feel lighter… floaty
Let’s share super-powers
So we can fly
All flappy and frivolous
Let’s remember our favourite place
And feel good now
And tomorrow
And the next day
And maybe even be good
Grasp good and go-go
Like Goody-Two-Shoes
I want your superpowers
To make you smile
To remind you
That some of us care
So when I say
It’ll be alright
It is alright
There is such beauty
In kindness
Even a teeny-weeny gesture
Can make one smile
I’m smiling now
Now you have a go
Smile, beam,
A sweet grin
For no reason
Yes you!
Then together
Let’s share
A teeny-weeny blessing
You and I
Today, tomorrow and everyday…